Joshua Ferris Books In Order


  1. Then We Came to the End (2007)
  2. The Unnamed (2010)
  3. To Rise Again at a Decent Hour (2014)
  4. A Calling for Charlie Barnes (2021)


  1. The Dinner Party (2017)

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Joshua Ferris Books Overview

Then We Came to the End

‘If we could have stopped the world at two nuclear weapons states, or before terrorism, or bird flu or HIV, well…
But one of the few axioms of our world seems to be its growing complexity, at once wonderful and terrifying. HAYEK’S GARDEN will be a guide to living in such a world, less a book of predictions about the future and more a field guide to the unpredictable, unknowable world that awaits us. Written as I envision it, the book will read something like the dispatches from the early explorers, the tales of men who left the warmth of their clubs and comfort of their ideas, to see how the world really looked and to write both about how that journey changed them and how what they saw would one day change the world.’

The Unnamed

He was going to lose the house and everything in it. The rare pleasure of a bath, the copper pots hanging above the kitchen island, his family again he would lose his family. He stood inside the house and took stock. Everything in it had been taken for granted. How had that happened again? He had promised himself not to take anything for granted and now he couldn’t recall the moment that promise had given way to the everyday. Tim Farnsworth is a handsome, healthy man, aging with the grace of a matinee idol. His wife Jane still loves him, and for all its quiet trials, their marriage is still stronger than most. Despite long hours at the office, he remains passionate about his work, and his partnership at a prestigious Manhattan law firm means that the work he does is important. And, even as his daughter Becka retreats behind her guitar, her dreadlocks and her puppy fat, he offers her every one of a father’s honest lies about her being the most beautiful girl in the world. He loves his wife, his family, his work, his home. He loves his kitchen. And then one day he stands up and walks out. And keeps walking. The Unnamed is a dazzling novel about a marriage and a family and the unseen forces of nature and desire that seem to threaten them both. It is the heartbreaking story of a life taken for granted and what happens when that life is abruptly and irrevocably taken away.

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