Errol Broome Books In Order


  1. Dear Mr. Sprouts (1991)
  2. Tangles (1993)
  3. Rockhopper (1994)
  4. Splashback (1996)
  5. Quicksilver (1997)
  6. Magnus Maybe (1998)
  7. Missing Mem (2000)
  8. Away With the Birds (2000)
  9. Cry of the Karri (2001)
  10. Some Dog! (2001)
  11. Gracie and the Emperor (2003)
  12. The Judas Donkey (2003)
  13. My Grandad Knew Phar Lap (2006)

Picture Books

  1. Wrinkles (1978)
  2. The Smallest Koala (1988)
  3. Fly With Me (1996)

Chapter Books

  1. What a Goat! (1997)
  2. Tough Luck (1999)
  3. Drusilla the Lucky Duck (2003)

Novels Book Covers

Picture Books Book Covers

Chapter Books Book Covers

Errol Broome Books Overview

Dear Mr. Sprouts

When Anke launches her green balloon with an envelope of seeds attached and Freddie sends her a letter telling her he found it the city girl and country boy form an unlikely friendship that changes their lives and transforms the bare hills of Freddie’s farm forever. Told through letters, this reflective novel tells the compelling story of a friendship that grows into a lifetime of love, work, and marriage. Woven throughout the novel are themes of environmental awareness, the differences between city and country life, and the pains of growing up. This charming story is told with a lightness of touch and a depth of feeling that will gently stir young readers to contemplate relationships and the importance of making ethical decisions.

Magnus Maybe

Nibble and Munch Magnus gnawed around the edges until he saw daylight. He flicked his whiskers and slipped through the opening. Magnus only wanted to sniff the morning outside his cage, but suddenly he finds himself in a strange and enormous world. It’s a lonely place for a pet white mouse with no family of his own. The brown and gray mice in the cupboard let him sleep on the bottom shelf, but when the humans start setting traps they must escape. Will Magnus brave the dangers and find a new home for them all?

Gracie and the Emperor

Gracie’s simple life on St. Helena dramatically changes when Napoleon Bonaparte is brought to the island as a prisoner. As long as Gracie could remember, she had been told stories of Napoleon Bonaparte, who would stop at nothing to rule the world. Now defeated, the most famous and dreaded man alive has been banished to the very island where she lives. Like a small ship stuck fast in the ocean, St. Helena is far from anywhere. Gracie wants to run away, but there is nowhere to go. Circumstances grow worse when her work places her in direct proximity to the man she regards as a monster. Set in a pivotal historical period, the story of Gracie reveals the grinding hardship and daily dramas of an eleven year old girl of the time. Though she and Napoleon never meet, the Emperor takes an interest in her and suddenly aspects of Gracie’s life are mysteriously made easier. It soon becomes clear to her that only one person could be responsible. This is historical fiction at its best. With masterly writing Errol Broome imaginatively recounts the extraordinary story of a broken emperor and a spirited, compassionate young girl.

What a Goat!

Eliza worries what will become of her pet goat, Gerda.

Gerda is always getting into scrapes. She causes more trouble than three sheep, five hens, and Eliza’s little brother put together. Gerda chews through trees until their trunks stand like skeletons. She raids the neighbor’s apple orchard and gobbles all their laundry on the clothes line.

Readers will laugh at Gerda’s antics, until it’s clear her future seems doomed.

‘That goat will have to go,’ says Dad.

Eliza can’t imagine life without Gerda, so she makes a tough decision: they can’t take Gerda away if they can’t find her. But the family hasn’t seen the last of the goat yet. When a neighbor’s child falls into the river, Gerda butts in at the right time for once.

Luckily for Gerda, and for Eliza, the goat’s heroics earn her a new home with the neighbors.

Black and white line drawings capture the endearing qualities of Gerda.

Drusilla the Lucky Duck

When young Carrie sees Drusilla, she has to have her. But how do you care for a duckling? Carrie quickly learns the dos and don’ts of duck rearing: lots of exercise, a place to swim, and no bubblegum! Soon Drusilla is full grown and part of the family. But when Carrie and her parents go on vacation, Drusilla must stay behind. Duck sitting isn’t easy, though, and Drusilla is passed around until she’s in the care of Garth the handyman. Garth, however, is just as handy in the kitchen, and his interest in ducks is more culinary than caring. Arriving home, a despondent Carrie must follow the trail to her darling Drusilla. Through some headstrong heroics at the eleventh hour, Carrie saves Drusilla from a fate worse than dinner! Friendship and determination prevail in this warm tale of one lucky duck. This funny and touching story features easy to read vocabulary and short chapters for emerging readers. 200312

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